Bose 901 series with and ipod.

What do i need to integrate Bose 901 series 6 with an ipod and bluetooth


Showing 4 responses by asvjerry

@martyswerve , good luck & listening...*S*  Esp' to this bunch.... ;) *L*

Btw, the 901s' can handle an inordinate amount of watts...but I suspect you already know that....

I think it'd be hard to not have a cell that won't BT, except for a burner   *shrug*


@mahler123 , bad if I've assumed the app for BT isn't on an iPlod...

;) ....not an Apple fan here.  And has the $ to not miss me, either. *L*

Personal experience with that sort of arrangment employing a lightweight lux for source is a Pixel feeding the shop audio....

Dust issues. so it's that or a CD after a spritz with the air compressor...

....was always curious as to what an array of 8 (or more; nothing like excess in the pursuit 😏) 901s' pairs 'stacked' into an array would be like, but that in a small space would court 'death by decibels'. *LOL*

"....we found a large smear of blood 'n bits of his body on the wall opposite the speakers....Poor devil..." ;)

@martyswerve Good luck & listening with the new set-up. 👍😃

Remember, being a type of omni speaker, the 901s’ prefer an unclutted space behind them for their full ’soundstage’.....and you ought to have enough watts available for said listening.

....I do remember with mine, of years gone by, could absorb everything my Marantz 2270 could deliver to the point of making the pilot lights dim with the bass line. It was noted to me at the time you could throw a kilowatt at them; was never able to test that since they played ’loud enough’ for me. *L*

Bose later marketed a ’stage version’, turning them 180 so the back faced the audience. Never tried that.... ;)

Using your cell v. iPod would allow you to opt for streaming various sources, and apps aplenty to futz about with as well. *G*
