Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch

Børresen M3 vs. CSS (Jay Iyagi) vs. Wavetouch

Warning! If you have a weak heart, don’t watch these videos. This music may lead a pounding heart. A reason GR (song writer) didn’t put more bass.

Please post your favorite, opinion, or thought. Alex/Wavetouch

Original music https://youtu.be/bn_NTLlX1FU?t=32

Wavetouch audio https://youtu.be/8pgXyqMdlLE?t=48

Børresen M3 https://youtu.be/tapjNr9P20M

CSS (Jay Iyagi) https://youtu.be/npNqik_dz60?t=394


Showing 11 responses by mihorn


on the one hand you have a speaker designed by a world class engineer and designer.

On the other hand, you have a DIY design being monetized by a youtuber (who mind you is fairly new to the game) with zero experience.

My 1st audio show exhibition was 10 years ago. I am not new to the audio game.

We are talking about the world class audio system here. The sound matters most. I am not ashamed of my V2's performance. Alex/Wavetouch


1. Borresen 2. CSS 3. Wavetouch

The foundation of the music and voice is MIA with the Wavetouch. That makes it tough to judge it in any other meaningful way.

Your ears are in un-natural hearing mode by M3’s un-natural sound. A’philes can switch quickly between natural and un-natural hearing modes. To un-natural mode ears, WT and the original music are a kind of out of phase because they are natural sounds. If you listen to the original music (or WT) for few minutes, WT and orig music sounds normal and clear. And M3’s sound became veiled, vague, soft, and out of phase un-natural sound.

To your spouse and friends, your audio sounds veiled, vague, and out of phase (hurts their ears) since they can’t switch to the un-natural sound quickly like you. Alex/Wavetouch


The Wavetouch compared to the original file did not sound alike. The Wavetouch sounded like a 12 year old boy before puberty. The original file sounded like a 30 year old man that has actual bass in his voice. If threadbare and thin is natural sounding to you, great.

I agree that the original music has 30 y o man voice with weight. It will be nice if any audio system recreates that voice perfectly. I posted WT is closest to the orig music and WT is natural sound like the orig music. I didn’t post they are alike. We can only try to get close to the orig music.

Like everyone, I think M3 sounds great and better than many $mil sound systems. However, I still think WT is the most closest to that voice. There are flesh, bones, and focus like real music in WT sounds to my ears. You will get it if you listen WT few times.

How do you know whose ears hurt here? I think maybe Arafiq has it right. You asked for opinion, and then didn’t get the praise you felt like you deserved.

Your audio system is natural sound and your non-a’phile friends are not hurt. I respect that.

Yes. I asked your opinion and thanks to you from my heart. I think I deserve some credit for what I am doing for a’phles and audio industry, but I am not disappointed by you and Arafig’s feedback since I get many positive ones too. In fact, you and Arafig are very nice. I won’t show what I get from my competitions. Alex/Wavetouch


I will say the Borreson sounds the best by a mile. Not saying the WT sound bad or good in real life but from this video I thought it was very much lacking body and sounded tipped up. 

I respect your opinion. With different ears and you been hearing larger woofers, WT sound can be lacking body. My idea in speaker design is an accuracy. I did put more bass in WT, but I liked the less bass WT better. I decide to stay with the reference... the original music.

Both orig music and WT sounds are very much similar than with M3 sound. With all due respect, I am guessing if WT sound lacking body to your ears at the time, the orig music sound might be lacking body too to your ears. However, the orig music is the true ref and the sound to beat for any reproduction audio. Anything lots more sound than the true ref is a coloration or distortion. 

M3 sounds so good/powerful that it draws listeners right into its sound domain quickly and doesn't let go easily. With all due respect, your ears could be in un-natural sound hearing mode after hearing M3.  Alex/Wavetouch


@mihorn would love to see you at LoneStarAudiofest.com June 2, 3, 4

you only pay for the cost of the room.

I can’t be there at that time for a personal matter. Thanks for asking!

I will exhibit in THE Show (The home entertainment audio show in Cal) on June 9~11.  https://www.theshownow.com/  Alex/Wavetouch

I notice 2 interesting electronic sounds like glitches on (**raise the vol.)

1:13 in orig music. https://youtu.be/bn_NTLlX1FU?t=69

1:29 in Wavetouch. https://youtu.be/8pgXyqMdlLE?t=85

0:39 in M3. https://youtu.be/tapjNr9P20M?t=36

7:15 in CSS. https://youtu.be/npNqik_dz60?t=431

This shows weak detail ability of M3.

Alex/ Wavetouch

**This is re-post because I missed CSS link in the previous post.

arafiq On the other hand, you have a DIY design being monetized by a youtuber (who mind you is fairly new to the game) with zero experience

** You wrote "YOU" in your 1st comment. No jay. No CSS. You is OP (me).

arafiq @mihorn For the record, I wasn’t talking your speakers in my 1st comment.

It is no big deal. I appreciate it. Alex/Wavetouch


+1 @mofojo     Also, OP why bother asking for opinions when you decide to not respect the comments and simply tell everyone that you alone are the only one who can properly hear and assess.

Many people have devoted their life time to find the perfect natural sound reproduction audio and are searching for it right now. I did the same and I found the close to perfect natural sound audio.

People visit Audiogon to get the information and to see what is new to them. I share what I know and help them. I have calls and emails from people who want to know about natural sound audio. Alex/Wavetouch


I admit those words look like promotion. I see it now. I'll not post in this thread any more. This thread will be forgotten soon. Alex/Wavetouch



In this thread, I only display a sound comparison of audio systems. And I only talk about the natural sound and un-natural sounds. I read every posts in this thread and there is none promoting my products. Alex/Wavetouch