Boring but still needed: which VHS VCR?

Here is a non-sexy question: My old HS VCR expired, which brand and model should I get (or brands to stay away from!)?

I have already invested in a dvd player, so only VCR is needed. It will be used for watching old tapes (so safe mechanical handling is an issue) and for normal recording and viewing.

My local sources are offering Panasonic 4525, 4624, and *refurbished* Sony N750, N55, N77. Prices are under or around $100 and any differences are not deciding factors. I can also buy inline if something else will make much better sense. Thanks.

Showing 1 response by palasr

If you can find a Panasonic AG-1330 commericial VCR, I highly recommend them. Built like a tank, with an excellent quality transport made mostly of metal. Very basic and bare bones - we use them in a university environment where they receive heavy use, and of the over 40 deployed in the field, none has ever been on my bench (aside from someone loading bad tapes into them). The only drawback - they're mono!!
