Bookshelf Speakers that have to be up against the wall

My very first posting, so be gentle. Looking to upgrade my bookshelf speakers, say to a max of 3k or so. I have an old mcintosh amp and pre. plenty of power. I now have to put my speakers against the wall and the ported ones I have now don’t ‘bloom’ now, they sound a bit muffled - they lost most of their imaging. I think because they are ported in the back also aside from being against the wall. I’d like to hear from anyone who has had that problem and recommendations from those with knowledge of solving this issue.

Showing 3 responses by deadhead1000

Thanks for the input so far. The speakers are actually not on a bookcase, more like sitting on a cabinet, so a nice solid surface, I can move them out perhaps a foot, but cannot put stands in front of the cabinet. I’ll see how much that helps. 
Lots of good info, thanks. I own Totem Rainmakers and they sounded excellent until I had to put them close to the wall. I will look into all the suggestions. 
First I want to say thank you to all of you. I am going to try the cheap route first and plug them, I do have a sub, but it’s an older velodyne model right now.  I can move them a few inches from the wall and will see how that goes. I will then go the route of checking out a few of the speakers mentioned. Luckily I live near several high end Best to you all.