Bookshelf Speakers Sitting On Dual Subs?

I have a couple excellent subs - Elac Adante 3070 - which have pretty effective DSP.  I'm thinking of buying the Dutch&Dutch 8c (also DSP).  The Elacs are rock solid.  I'm thinking about placing the 8c on IsoAcoustic stands on top of the Elacs so the 8c is even with the front of the Elacs and separated by the Iso stands: running the DSP for the subs and then the 8c.  Any real drawbacks to this set-up?

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Showing 1 response by m-db

+1 fuzz erik bayl jjss onhy...

The Elac DSP might allow you to roll the subs frequency response off beginning in the low 40Hz, continue until your down by -6dB in the low 30Hz. The Elac should now act like a -6dB sub-bass speaker. By lowering the Sub-bass speakers volume reduces their affect on exciting a rooms standing wave. People often stack six of them next to their speakers and appear to be quite satisfied. If you don’t know what your missing, well...

Good luck with it.


Some equate a lack of cabinet vibration an indication of low distortion. The Elac video of the nickel standing on edge while measuring 7.3 - 28.2 dB of (?) distortion is telling. With some subs .5dB is an average. I’m missing something?