Bookshelf speakers for small room

I have a small room and listen rather closely.  I'm using a Uniti Atom and some older Martin Logan 4s and looking to upgrade the whole system with a great turntable, tube amp and a different DAC.  A local dealer demo'd me on the Harbeth P3 XD's and the vocals came through with crystal clarity- loved the sound!  But he played it loud and I'm playing at very low volumes (kids, wife, small house).  

What are some good bookshelf options for a small room and streamed music (and vinyl) played at lower volumes?   A good tube amp/DAC to match??

Showing 3 responses by phill55

$ note ANK speakers, Audio Mirror Trubadour III SE DAC, nighthawk integrated amp with rel sub...I have small room 12'x10' and LOVE the sound at.low levels. Enjoy the search!
Sorry about that..for bookshelf speakers no one comes close to musically right sounding speakers like Fritz !!!
Sorry for bookshelf speakers, I would look at Fritz speakers...Carrera or Rev 7 SE.