Bookshelf Speakers for Large Room

My family room is very large (24’x24’x20’) with openings to other rooms.  I have a built in and there is no way to put in floor standers.  I have tried, demoed some nice floor standers and they are just too obtrusive and my wife HATES them out in the room.  So I am stuck with bookshelf. 

Budget is less of an issue, I just want something that will sound amazing and fill the space.  

I listen to all types of music but mostly classic rock, jazz, and my wife prefers show tunes and classical.  It is also our main space for TV and movies.  

I am currently leaning toward the Sonus Faber Guarneri Tradition and the Vox center channel.

My question is are there other brands I should consider?  I have listened to the Wilson Tunetot but I felt like they were struggling in the large room

Thanks for your advice.


Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara

The Yamaha NS 5000 are called bookshelf speakers. However, even though they are large they have a piano grand finish (think Yamaha pianos) which you wife may appreciate. The sound is reference caliber.

Your room would be perfect for these speakers.

A couple of other ways to go would be to show you wife the Vivid Giya speaker line or the KEF Blade (my fav). They do not look like traditional box speakers and the Vivid can be placed closer to a wall than most. These 2 are phenomenal speakers to my ears.