Bookshelf Speakers for Large Room

My family room is very large (24’x24’x20’) with openings to other rooms.  I have a built in and there is no way to put in floor standers.  I have tried, demoed some nice floor standers and they are just too obtrusive and my wife HATES them out in the room.  So I am stuck with bookshelf. 

Budget is less of an issue, I just want something that will sound amazing and fill the space.  

I listen to all types of music but mostly classic rock, jazz, and my wife prefers show tunes and classical.  It is also our main space for TV and movies.  

I am currently leaning toward the Sonus Faber Guarneri Tradition and the Vox center channel.

My question is are there other brands I should consider?  I have listened to the Wilson Tunetot but I felt like they were struggling in the large room

Thanks for your advice.


Showing 2 responses by jackd

That subject came up this afternoon in my phone conversation with Fritz and the indication I got was that it was not something he was inclined to do. He did mention that there was another "mid-range" driver version of the Revelator driver that cutoff at a higher point that could be substituted but they would have to be purchased as a one pair purchase for him. That would mitigate the low end bloat if placed to close to a rear wall. Also that the "production" version of the Carbon Six was going back to the bigger box.

Another option is to buy an amp or integrated like the ones from Aesthetix that have the built in adjustable crossovers like the Atlas amp or the Mimas integrated. 
This would be my choice in the placement situation you describe as it is a front slot loaded transmission line design which would be more tolerant. Plus it sounds great and at $2500 lets you update your subs and still keep a bundle in your bank account. Choice of four finishes.

Reach out to Bob Neill at Amherst Audio.

I own the Fritz Carrera's and they would be my first choice in another situation but you might have a bass bloat problem with your required placement and need to stuff the ports partially.