bookshelf's to match older rotel 30watt

Scored amp for my humble journey into 2 channel bliss. Its a 90's 30-35watt rotel, plan on using signal cables becuase of price and good reviews.For now my cdp will be an upconverting denon dvdplayer(cambridge 640v2 good upgrade?).Mainly listen to jazz,classical, acoustic guitar, dance, rock and of course the gypsy kings!Unfortunatly my budget right now is around 300 for speakers.was looking at used B&W dm 302 and 303. Obviously sensitivity will be an issue, any ideas?

Showing 5 responses by glowplug

so the bw idea isnt so good? I could get dealer cost on anything energy and my home theater is all energy so i like them, but i heard some b&w's last week and fell in love!!!!!!!!!!!!
thats the problem, auditioning isnt really possible except the polks maybe but for some reason ive never heard a polk speaker i liked! Heard a lot about NHT but not availible around here! AGGGHHHHH!!!!!!!!!! whats even more stupid is the fact that im looking at b&w's that are not the specific model I heard!!!!! The ones I heard are about 150 out of my range and im hoping that other bookshelf b&w's sound similar!!!! Wow after typing that I realize how silly I am!!!!
thank you all for helping me on my quest!!! I didnt think my meager budget would garner so many options!!I have heard good things about the dynaaudio's,usher, wharfdale and psb, but any thoughts on thier sonic signature in comparison to B&W book shelfs? I think I have read that english speakers are laid back? Is that what i liked so much? And also based on my rotel which is only 30 watt is there a minimum sensitivity I should be looking for? Thanks again you guys are great!!!! ohhhh 1 thing.....signal cables good for a system like mine?
Thanks a lot I have a lot to dig through!!!! So, from what I know about car stereo's, if you have a 4 ohm speaker and drive it with an 8 ohm amp, you will get louder output but its tougher on the amp as in extra heat and clippling, my rotel probably doesnt have a protection mode or anything, so like you said just dont crank it. Which if im correct I should get louder volume without cranking the amp anyway in comparison to an 8ohm speaker....right?! Is clipping the amp going to cause permanent damage or shorten the life of the unit--other then of course sounding terrible??!!!!
yeah no manual and cant download without paying so screw em! i know I will be turning my amp past halfway up, not all the way but its a 30 watt so.......really efficient is important!!!!!!!