Bookshelf Recommendations

Long time, first time here. Looking to upgrade my current speakers. While I know the best way to judge is by actually LISTENING to a set-up, I've read a lot of positive reviews of the SVS Ultimas. Does anyone here have first hand experience with those or a similar bookshelf at the +/-$1k price point?

My listening space is 12 x 12, with a Carver M1.5t power amp and CJ PV-12 pre. 

Showing 3 responses by paulcreed

You may laugh but if you can find a pair of av123 XLS Encore monitors for $150 to $200 have GR Research build you a point to point wiring crossover for around $300. Or order parts and put it together yourself for cheaper. Crossover is made up of alpha core foil inductors, mills resistors, sonic caps or mundorf supreme caps with a bypass cap you may be shocked all for around $500 total. It's one hell of a speaker for the money. I preferred it to the Usher tiny dancer in a lot of ways but only goes down to 50 vs ushers 40 but just very musical and smooth. If you can find one in rosewood it's a very nice looking solid box, I bought one as described pre modded on whim off eBay. If you can find a XLS Sking ninja modded everything is already done, killer cheap speaker. 

If interested there is a pair of Usher be 718 tiny dancer on us Audio mart for $900, pretty good deal. Owned some years ago,they go down to 40 and are very musical, very transparent, maybe a tad tipped up but very nice speaker, they do like current.

There is a pair so LSA Statements  on eBay for $900 or best offer, I've seen them go for $700. Has Aurum Cantus tweeter auricaps, mills, goes to 40, Exemplar Audio did the mod for LSA, I have some of his gear, he's good. I had the tower version, the monitor version imaged better.