Bookshelf Recommendations

Long time, first time here. Looking to upgrade my current speakers. While I know the best way to judge is by actually LISTENING to a set-up, I've read a lot of positive reviews of the SVS Ultimas. Does anyone here have first hand experience with those or a similar bookshelf at the +/-$1k price point?

My listening space is 12 x 12, with a Carver M1.5t power amp and CJ PV-12 pre. 

Showing 18 responses by carerra4s

Thanks a lot! I'm not afraid of previously owned gear, and in fact EVERYTHING I own came to me through prior ownership. Given that, that might provide me a pair at my $1k threshold.
Remarkable. Was just this moment reading the Stereophile write-up from 2012, and it ref'd aforementioned white paper on the LS-50's...

Thanks for your recommendations, and also for props on my CJ. Love those tubes! Only wish I could afford a tube power amp as well, but that Sideshow Bob, Carver 1.5t has all the power I'll ever need 👍
I appreciate everyone taking some of their time to share their expertise and knowledge. Much food for thought, the majority of which I was not even familiar, having focused primarily on “the usual suspects,” with respect to manufacturers.

Even if it comes down to throwing a dart, I’ll have some better targets on the board...
Looking seriously at the Sonus Faber Venere 1.5's and Wharfedale 225's. HUGE price differential, though aesthetically, the former are works of art.

Will be mounting on stands. While I'd prefer a larger speaker in general, domestic equilibrium mandates as small a footprint as possible. 
...and just when I thought I’d narrowed this down. Will take a look at that recommendation as well. I’m all about approaching some high end, without taking out a 2nd mortgage. If my wife knew what I’ve got tied up in my preamp, I’d already been served papers...
Wouldn’t you know it: choice set of Vandersteen 1Ci’s currently on eBay, just waiting to be snapped up. Hmmm. Would those, however, be too much speaker for my space?

As mentioned at the outset, the room is only about 12’ x 12.’ While I realize that with “bookshelf” sized speakers there will be low end sacrifices—inclusion of a sub notwithstanding—a high quality speaker of that size, on stands: wouldn’t that make for a good setup?
I’m amazed and at the number of responses and truly appreciate the detail and wealth of information this topic has generated.

Since I’m leaning towards pre-owned gear, it’ll likely come down to my short list, compiled from those suggested in this thread. Wish $$ were no object, but I’m sure I’m not alone in that regard

At the expense of betraying my ignorance on the subject, NONE of the speakers that I’m now focusing on were even on my radar prior to this posting. If only in a virtual way, thanks for opening my ears...
My son bought a pair of Axioms, back in the early 2k's [don't recall the model]. They have certainly served him well.

Forgot about those...
@mesch....Replacing a well worn pair of Wharfedale Diamond III’s.

Backstory is that my wife retired from teaching last fall, and her former, home office room can now be utilized as a dedicated listening space. The Carver & CJ will be coming out of hibernation to drive speakers more deserving than the aforementioned Wharfedales, which will continue to see service in a modest AV set-up. Far superior to the TV’s built in speakers.

A pair of Sonus Faber Venere 1.5’s just got past me on eBay, so the hunt continues. Still liking the Vandy 1Ci’s, but the Keymaster’s not quite onboard, even though it’s quite modest in size.

Standmounts [of some variation] are the compromise that’ll have the best chance of passing muster.

And yes, I have almost no say-so re the heated sq. ft. areas of my home. Concession to dedicated garage and driveway space for collector car...

@mesch: Thanks for your follow-up. Those are suggestions I’ll def pursue, and as I’ve enjoyed success with pre-owned over the decades [sole exception, a Linn Lk-140], it’s especially important now at my age, income, and rather modest level of discretionary income to $tretch my purchasing power.

@audioguyguy85: The praises you’ve sang of the W-225’s have not fallen on deaf ears. Because I’ve been inundated by suggestions—and I truly appreciate them all—I let a pair of preowned, but still NIB, slip by for < $300 bones (including shipping) last week.

You guys and everyone else on here are great. I feared my question might illicit some pedantic, derisive responses, but to a person they’ve been positive, courteous, and extremely helpful🔈👍

But I gotta do this thing soon, and get offa here. For some reason I’ve taken a liking to ML & Krell power amps since poking around these parts. I have neither the need nor dough for an amp of that caliber, but rationalizing non-essential purchases is an insidious weakness that I’ve battled since upgrading from a perfectly serviceable Technics SA-5060 receiver to a Kenwood KA-3500 way back in ‘78...
Just come upon a pair of Totem Rainmakers, within 300 miles. Could possibly audition

Anybody have any listening experience with that set up?
The Music Room has a pair of B&W 685 S2’s [with stands] @$564 + shipping. Liking what I read about the Dynaudio Focus 140’s, too. Pair of the latter currently on eBay, though they’ll likely climb beyond $700 before the dust settles. Still have the Totem Rainmakers, though I’d need to pretty much block out an entire day for pickup. Maybe I’ll just renew my membership to local NPR station so they’ll end the Spring pledge drive, and wait for a "can’t refuse" deal to come along...
@mesch: Quite true, though I must say again, what a positive experience posting this query has been. Whatever direction I go, I've no doubt that I'll select a set-up that will provide a significant improvement over my W-dale, Diamond III's. 

Moreover, the suggestions about utilizing stands--now that a dedicated listening space is available--might give them a new lease on life. For now 👂
Have substantial power with the Carver m1.5t. My concern with the 225’s is low end, which from what I read is somewhat lacking, at least when compared to other offerings in that class & price-point.

I’m aware, of course, that most ALL speakers in that size range will necessarily present that shortcoming, to one degree or another.

Have to be honest: my query generated a plethora of great suggestions, and I'm probably more confused than when I started.

On the upside, I've been enlightened, with more than a few makes/models that I was not even aware existed. 

Just going to extend the Safari a bit, keeping in mind the outstanding choices--new & pre-owned--that are available.
Thanks for your interest in my quest. I've had some respectable upstream gear for years; just lacked a decent, dedicated listening room.

Now that's FINALLY coming to fruition, and I'm making an exhaustive effort to find speakers to do it justice.

You folks have been enormously helpful, and needles to say will be the first to know when I push the plunger...