Bonham’s Squeaky Drum Pedal

On the song Since I’ve Been Loving You, Bonzo’s pedal squeaks. How pronounced is it on your system? How loud do you have to play the song before you notice it?


Showing 2 responses by geof3

Classic Speed King squeak. They all do it pretty much. Very obvious, especially to me. I’m a drummer… cool they kept it in there.

The classic “echo” in Whole Lotta Love is a mistake, leaving a room mic turned on. They couldn’t edit it out. If you listen to Since I’ve Been Loving You closely you will hear significant mistakes by JPJ, they recorded the song over and over to get the take on the album. Some of the best songs ever recorded have tone issues, straight up mistakes, flubs etc. One of the issues with todays music is it is too “clean”. Quantized to the click, perfect pitch correction etc. The human element has been all but removed. There are exceptions, but for the most part today’s music is just too sterile.