Just to add onto this,if the goal is to get the cables off the ground to a certain point, well I have so many ideas believe me, hooks? monkeys? ropes? kids? you know what I mean and so on, but why the industrial grade porcelain compared to 2x4 since there are options.
Thanks Chris
Anyway I am going to try as many technics as I can including Lego and The cable elevators too and see what this is all about. Believe me I was in Singapore some time back and a demonstration was going on for the The Mpingo Disc by Shun Mook, man for those using this,I cant understand....to me I believe its definately Baloney (logic and true) those guys did not know what they were doing anyway, all action and no results, all the listeners were looking at each other and some shook their heads looking positive, I believe some should have got their heads shaken. Crap meter was almost blowing up!
Anyway I should watch what I am saying but, anyway its interesting since what would really work fmr me is a good old fashion blind test!
Thanks and keep them comming!!!!
Thanks Chris
Anyway I am going to try as many technics as I can including Lego and The cable elevators too and see what this is all about. Believe me I was in Singapore some time back and a demonstration was going on for the The Mpingo Disc by Shun Mook, man for those using this,I cant understand....to me I believe its definately Baloney (logic and true) those guys did not know what they were doing anyway, all action and no results, all the listeners were looking at each other and some shook their heads looking positive, I believe some should have got their heads shaken. Crap meter was almost blowing up!
Anyway I should watch what I am saying but, anyway its interesting since what would really work fmr me is a good old fashion blind test!
Thanks and keep them comming!!!!