Bluetooth streaming

Opinions please!
Im streaming Spotify from my iPad to a rocketfish Bluetooth receiver,into a moon 100 d dac,into my preamp.Some music sounds pretty good while other songs just sound bad?I guess my question is ,would a better dac make a difference?Is it possible to clean up this source somewhat,or is this just a bad way to stream music?Thanks in advance!

Showing 5 responses by milpai

I have been absolutely delighted and happy with the Auris bluMe Bluetooth DAC. It is a audiophile grade DAC with AKM chip inside. I use Android phone and tablet to stream my music. Highly recommended.
Completely agree with you on bluetooth being lossy and compressed. But you shoud try that with a good Bluetooth DAC and tablet that are both aptX compliant. You will be surprised.
If you love streaming, you owe it to yourself to get the Auris. It has changed "what" I listen to, since it has opened a lot of avenues for me. I used to have a Logitech Bluetooth receiver, which got the job done. But the move to Auris was ear-opening. I have been enthusiastically recommending this $169 DAC, but no one seems to care because Bluetooth is compressed and lossy. Try it out and lst us know what you think.
I forgot to mention that now-a-days the Auris bluMe comes with USB cable and charger. It was not the case when I originally purchased it.
Please let me know your thoughts on how the Auris sounds when you get yours and install it in the system. Will me more than eager to hear your comments, since there are not too many people on this forum who use this.
You are welcome. I am so glad to hear that you liked it. Which means that my recommendations are not bad :-) Did you get the power supply with your Auris?
While it is not the ultimate DAC, the convenience and the sound quality makes up for it. It is hard to convince folks that Bluetooth can sound awesome. Enjoy your music!