Bluesound Node 2

I recently purchased a Bluesound Node 2 and so far my thoughts are mixed. I love that I can play my digital music collection with ease; that is when things are working properly. My system from source to speakers: External HD > Mac Mini > Node > Rotel pre-amp > Adcom Amp. So things sound nice.

Okay so here is my question and I would appreciate anyones input with knowledge of Bluesound. I am considering a 2nd Node for another system in my home. I have ethernet in both spaces so have the option to hardwire. How well will the Nodes talk with each other? Should the 2nd Node be hardwired or on the WiFi? Thanks in advance for any input. 


Which model do you have? You mentioned Node 2 but that’s really old. Do you have the newer Node 2i or the newest Node (just “Node” no number)?

My experience is with the Node 2i and ethernet is definitely better. The wifi chip is noisy with EMI/RFI affecting the sound quality so you want that wifi off. I could hear an improvement after several days of 24x7 fully powered after each time I de-powered my Node 2i. I thought it might be the wifi chip transmitting to “look” for a network.

So I did a support request with Bluesound to find out how to turnoff the wifi chip and they said it will automatically shutoff after 5 days of ethernet connection. If you de-power your Node 2i the wifi chip will start transmitting/receiving again.

There’s been a couple firmware updates since then so it’s possible they may have changed this process.

in addition, it’s likely you’ll get fewer music dropouts if you use ethernet. If you’ve got it, use it.

I also have a NAD AV receiver with a Bluesound module. The Bluesound control software sees both if the AV receiver is powered on. The Node 2i stays fully powered 24x7. The two BS systems do not talk to each other but both can talk to the BS control app.