Blues for Aficionados

I have found that postings music is a good way to listen to all the music in your collection.  I have neglected the ultimate source of much of the music I post.  This tread corrects that oversight.  All Blues post are welcome.  I will concentrate on the Delta.

Showing 2 responses by wharfy

Wow! Things you can find on a mellow Saturday night. Thank you for everyone contributing. I’m going to be listening to A LOT of blues. I have a contribution-

Jimmy Rogers-Chicago Bound (1970, Chess), compilation of 1950s Chess recordings. Rogers’ back-up band is a who’s who of Chicago blues-Willie Dixon, Muddy Waters, Little Walter, Walter "Shaky" Horton, Fred Below, Otis Spann.

Chicago Bound

Walking By Myself

Roosevelt Sykes-Dirty Double Mother-recorded in 1973 and released by the BluesWay label. Roosevelt Sykes (January 31, 1906 – July 17, 1983) was an American blues musician, also known as "the Honeydripper". He plays piano in a barrelhouse style of blues, in the musical form that got its start in brothels in New Orleans. You'll get a chuckle by listening carefully to the lyrics.

Persimmon Pie