Blue Ridge Sound Engineering Speakers ???

Has anyone heard these speakers yet?
let me be clear on a couple of things........1.i do not consider allison ic20's as one of the best allison designs. 2.the last generation of allison one's will compete with any 30k speaker made today in regard to tone....3. i have no opinion on the actual sound of BRSE, because i've never heard them. 5. when someone does take the plunge, post a review and tell it like it is.
Considering the performance claims, I am guessing that the component speakers are modded by techniques developed by Peter Belt and/or Machina Dynamica.

Perhaps a rename to Clever Little Speaker is in order?
Hello Audiogon'ers,
The most prevalent question I often get when I find the time to peruse this and other forums, and when people write me directly is: "when will you have a professional review of your speakers?". Well, I certainly can understand your asking (I would too!) and I'm happy to be able to tell you that the time is near.
We're ramping up truly professional-grade quality controlled factory assembly and as soon as we have final product in it's final form we'll be sending out review samples to professional reviewers and publications. One mistake I've seen other speaker manufacturers make is to release a pre-production sample that may have issues not found in final production and the review has to end with something like "we hope they solve these issues in final production models". I'm not going to make that mistake, we'll send out final production speakers for testing.
Since most of you out there are audiophiles and much more knowledgeable than those in other forums I thought I'd ask here on the forum which publications (whether hard-print or online) you'd like to see a review from? Which ones do you trust? I already have a commitment to send ToneAudio a review sample because they were the first of many to approach me asking for a review pair, and I'll be approaching Stereophile and some others as well, but the input of the Audiogon community would be very helpful to me so that I can provide just what you've been asking for.
Thank You in Advance,
Carl Halling,
President, BRSE
Hello Hoggshead,
Thanks for your input, we appreciate it.
Have a nice day,