Blue Jeans Cable Sound Good???

When people say Blue Jeans cables sound good.... what are they comparing them to?

Because the pair I just got sound pretty crappy....  compared to AQ King Cobra XLR / Emotiva XLR

Not trying to troll... I'm serious. What are these being compared to? Sounds like a thick layer of distortion hanging over my speakers...

Showing 1 response by audioman58

They are a good value for a beginners system or something you want to listen to but for sure not critical listening .the only thing worth mentioning is their Beldon Ethernet cable is certified high band width. I use this for runs in my home ,the Audio quest Ethernet are over $100 a meter I just use from the modem to router ,and Ethernet hub to my streamer best bang for the buck .
blue jeans I have tried all their cables  so can speak  through experience they try to tell me all name brand is a waste of time 
they measured the responses. That being said if measurements 
is what counted most A vacuum tube amp,or preamp would allways fail with distortions , tubes distort with even harmonics 
easy on the ear SS odd harmonics , plus a ton more factors in design and parts quality. Yes blue jeans cable are decent. For 
a basic system, their Ehthernet Beldon Top cable good for runs 
but recommend a name brand for end junctions better refinement.
thats just my observation.