Black Gates - Standard vs FK/Non-Polars

Hi guys,

I replaced 12 stock electrolytic caps (teapo) in the signal path of my amp with 10 Standard and 2 Non-Polar Black Gates, and after 2 months of burn-in, the sound is better in some ways (lower noise, better detail and resolution) but tonally it has become a little colder and leaner, which is not of my liking.

I was wondering if by using Black Gates Npolar or FK instead of the Standard ones would I recover some warmth in the midbass, or if it would be about the same.

Does anybody have experience with the different Black Gates? are they tonally different? Or should try something different like maybe Nichicon Muse?

Thanks for any input.


Showing 2 responses by pauly


I assume you are talking coupling caps.

It may be that your old caps were simply masking an inherent leanness of your amp. I have found that by upgrading the rectifying diodes to some ultra-fast/soft recovery types to take the ‘edge off’ in some equipment.

Before ripping out the BGs I would bypass them with a small film caps. I found Jensen Copper foil to be warm(ish). I have never bypassed BGs though, so do two and see what it sounds like.

You could also replace the signal path resisters with AN tantalums. I found them to ad a touch of warmth as well as add detail and resolution.

Jov, LOL.

While I will always encourage somebody to tweak, you should do a little research first on the amp. Changing coupling caps makes the biggest difference, so it is worthwhile to locate them and start there.

Another suggestion I would make is to only do two caps at a time. That will give you a good idea of what each tweak brings to the table. It also allows you know where the problem is when something goes wrong. (and that does happen, believe me)

Forget about Auricaps and Hovland caps. The caps Dgarretson mention are good. If they prove a bit pricey, for film caps I would recommend Dynamicaps as a cheaper alternative.
