black cat 110 digit aes/ebu vs snake river boomslang aes/ebu vs kimber orchid aes/ebu

anybody compare these cables, I am using now the acoustic zen mc2 aes/ebu and would like to have more bottom end. my midrange and top end is great, and I am  happy with the sound stage but would like more bottom end. I have been using this cable az mc2 for at least a dozen years and I think I need a change. my transport is the new project rs2 and the dac is a bryston bda-2 any opinions would help thanks kully


Showing 3 responses by soix

Why are you focusing on the digital cable for this?  What about interconnects, speaker cables, etc.?

I also run AZ interconnects and cables, and I just don’t think they’re the source of your issue.  What amp, pre, speakers, power cords, etc. are you using?

Soix so am I thinking wrong with the digital cable?or maybe the dac ? I guess I am looking for a little more meat on the bottom.

Having owned Bryston components, my observation is they skew toward the tight, fast bass more than fuller and more robust bass, so I don’t think all those Bryston components are helping you there.  That said, I’ve no idea about your speakers so there’s that.  I guess if I was you I’d look at adding a tubed preamp that may be the most effective way for you to put more meat/flesh on the bones you’re looking for.  I’d recommend looking at Don Sachs preamp and consult with him on what tubes would work best for what you’re looking for and is very reasonably priced for what you’re getting.  I really think a tube pre is your ticket to happiness.  Hope this helps, and best of luck.