biwiring using 4PR?

Due to length of run (25ft) and budgetary contraints I am using Kimber 4PR. I have Totem Model 1's (biwire version) but am not running in biwire config. Would it make sense to take the 4 strands and split it to 3 and 1 with the 3 to the woofer and 1 to the tweater OR just run separate inexpensive cable to the tweaters. Has anyone tried this with 4PR? Would the 1 strand to the tweater be enough? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by stringreen

Regarding bi-wiring... All the good of bi-wiring is lost unless you wire with seperate cables..+ amd - to the tweeter/mids, and + and - to the woofers. If cost is an issue, or if you want the best - same inexpensive cables...they are called Anti-Cables. They are highly recommended by the magazines, they have a money back guarantee, and are very nice to deal with. I am using them bi-wired to me Vandersteen 5A's.