biwiring using 4PR?

Due to length of run (25ft) and budgetary contraints I am using Kimber 4PR. I have Totem Model 1's (biwire version) but am not running in biwire config. Would it make sense to take the 4 strands and split it to 3 and 1 with the 3 to the woofer and 1 to the tweater OR just run separate inexpensive cable to the tweaters. Has anyone tried this with 4PR? Would the 1 strand to the tweater be enough? Thanks.

Showing 1 response by christopher_h

Thanks Bill

I agree. Eventually I would like to get 8VS or 8TC. In the meantime I would like a little more high freq extension. I am using the jumper bars that came with the Model 1's. Right now I am running the 4PR's into the tweeter posts and jumping to the woofer posts. Are you suggesting putting the cables into the woofer posts and jumping to the tweeters with the 4PR? What about jumping with a short peice of pure silver or copper silver wire if I can find some. Thanks