
Responses from christopher_h

Best budget phono preamp for Unison Unico?
In reference to earlier posts, I just replaced the stock tubes in my Unico with Mazda chrome plates (platinum) from upscale audio. They recommended two different ones based on my desire for a bit more openness and high frequency extension. The oth... 
biwiring using 4PR?
Thanks BillI agree. Eventually I would like to get 8VS or 8TC. In the meantime I would like a little more high freq extension. I am using the jumper bars that came with the Model 1's. Right now I am running the 4PR's into the tweeter posts and jum... 
bad match?- Totem Model1's and NEW 20.1
Thanks SteuspeedI will call Gary at Vintage. For an interconnect I am using a custom made twisted pair using cardas wire. I was thinking of going with 4TC but I need about 50' so I was not sure if this would be the best use of $.Chris 
bad match?- Totem Model1's and NEW 20.1
Thanks for your responses. I decided to keep the Totem Model 1's and deal with the amp and preamp issue. I just purchased a used Unison Research Unico hybrid integrated. 80w. I am much happier but will I ever be truly happy? The fun is in the chas... 
bad match?- Totem Model1's and NEW 20.1
Thanks everyone for you responses. Does anyone have an opinion on getting rid of the Totems and replacing with high efficiency (96db)horns (like the horn shoppe horns)and keeping the NEW A20.1 (and eventually replacing the preamp). Note, I am supr...