Biwiring an Amp into a Single-wired Speaker?

I am well aware of the sonic benefits of biwring speakers from an amp that has two sets of outputs per channel. 

Now, my situation is that I have a biwirable amp (Krell KSA 150), a set of biwires (Linn k400), and Vandersteen 1c's, whivh only have single inputs. Is there ANY advantage to plugging these cables into both sets of outputs on the amp, and then combining the positive and negative wires (respectively, of course) into the single speaker inputs?

The reason I ask is because I am curious, and my biwire cables are a lot nicer than my single wires (Cable Talk Talk 3).


Showing 2 responses by ubersujith

Wow, Al, thanks for this informative and well-written response.

One follow up question: I have 4 fancy WBT connectors at the speaker end of my biwire cable. Would you recommend moving them to the amp end, or use 4 lesser connectors at the amp end, and then us two of WBTs for the combined speaker connections?
Hey Al, I just set you up for another edifying reply over in the amps pre-amps forum. Cheers.