biwire trick

Some of you seasoned vets may have heard of this, but I had never thought about it. Researching jumpers led me to Music direct's website, where in the description of some Nordost jumpers it read to try switching one lead from both mid and tweet. IOW take the positive lead from the tweeter and swap it with the pos lead from the mid.

I have a true biwire setup (separate runs for mid and tweet), don't know if this makes a diff, but the sound definitely improved: fuller, more natural, larger stage. try it as one of the easiest, free tweaks to do. You may be surprised.

Showing 2 responses by mchu168

I run 2 completely separate cables per speaker for the highs and mids (total of 4 runs of cable for L+R). I thought running the highs and mids in separate cables was part of the benefit of biwiring. Of course the two runs are connected at the amp end anyways. Would a diagonal biwiring approach make sense in my situation?