
Please share your favorite biographies of composers, singers, performers, songwriters, etc.

I am on page 111 of Thayer's life of Beethoven. 

(And a book on Evangelical Theology.)

Showing 1 response by tablejockey

2 coffee table book R&R suggestions

Jimi Hendrix-Keith Shadwick
According to the Rolling Stones-by the boys

A sad event in Beethoven life is him not knowing how amazing his performance of the 9th was.

"Beethoven’s deafness created one of the most touching stories in music. When the symphony was completed, he remained facing the orchestra and could not hear the thunderous applause of the audience for his new symphony. Caroline Unger, the mezzo-soprano soloist, had to tap the deaf composer’s arm and have him turn around so that he could see how the crowd’s response. Many of those in attendance, including Miss Unger, had tears in their eyes when they realized the extent of Beethoven’s deafness."


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