Bill Evans - Waltz for Debby - New on HDtracks

Has anyone tried the new hi-rez verson of Waltz for Debby on HDTracks - at either 24/96 or 24/192. I am currently using the remastered Complete Village Vanguard Records 1961 CD that was released in 2005 for my digital versions of Waltz for Debby and Sunday at the Village Vanguard. Has anyone compared that CD version to the new hi-rez version? The remastered Complete Village Vanguard versions are pretty special. The question is whether the original recording has the resolution to warrant the hi-rez versions and how much the new versions improve on the already high quality of the remastered set. Anyone done the comparison yet? Any comparison to vinyl releases would also be of interest. I'll probably just download the hi-rez versions anyway - just looking for feedback for anyone who already has the hi-rez versions.

Showing 1 response by mayoradamwest

Relatedly, I never got the fascination with Waltz for Debbie. It's a good track, sure, but if I were to pick a favorite track and album from Bill Evans, it'd be Little Lulu on Trio 64. Sounds pretty amazing to me over Tidal hi-res.