Biggest soundstage in a CD Player ?

Between the following brands, which one has the biggest/widdest/grandest soundstage, and which model ? Im looking for a CD player that will really immerse me in the music, and make me forget that i am listening through speakers.

Wadia - Electrocompaniet - Krell - Meridian - Mark levinson - Goldmund - Accuphase - Copland - another ?

Showing 2 responses by badwisdom

Wow, thx for all the comments.
Frankly, SACD technology leaves me cold. Its been on the market for two years, and yet there are practically no titles over here in Europe. And i have heard the Sony SACD-1 play redbook CD through Martin logans and a Krell Amp, and frankly it is blown away by any wadia, krell or even Electrocompaniet CDPs. My CD collection is all redbook, so there is absolutely no point in me spending $4000 on a SACD player that doesnt play redbook CD nearly as good as the previous makes i cited....

So moving on away of SACD, the only lead i have are the Mark Levinson 39, the Aero Capitol and the Electo EMC-1.

I heard the Electrocompaniet, and i didnt like it much. A bit bland for my taste. I listened to the Krell 250CD, and i was blown away by the soundstage and precision of the music. I am now looking for a CDP to beat the Krell, and that can add more musicality. Suggestions are welcome..
I understand people who have bought SACD are going nuts about it, but lets look at the facts :

a) the format has been on the market for two years
b) there are less than 500 titles available, and i would say 10% of those are mass market titles
c) Most people who have CDs, have Redbook CDs
d) No format is going to establish itself UNLESS it is successfull on the mass market

You can draw your own conclusions... Mine are, NO SACD thank you very much, at least not now.

Excuse me while i go audition a MLevinson 39 :)