Big speakers in small room at moderate volume levels

My office is 11’W x 10’L x 9’H and is where I can listen to music for the next few years. I have a toddler and, for now, he has commanded the big spaces in the rest of the house. I have auditioned the Magico A3 and wanted to buy it but that was before I was relegated to the smallish office (I was expecting to move to a bigger room). I have removed the closet doors in this office room. The removal of the closet door gives me another 4 feet of depth to this room, though for only 1/2 width of the room. I can sit unobstructed 8 feet away from the speakers before I hit the area where the closet ends (so near field listening).

I currently I have KEF LS50 with Peachtree Nova 150. It is good and I can listen for the whole day without fatigue. I listen to FM, digital files on ROON, and my Sony SCD-1 SACD player. I want a bigger sound so I am looking at bigger speakers. I also do not want to use a sub since I am not a fan. I will also upgrade the NOVA 150 to the NOVA 500 in Spring 2019 and use with the LS50’s in a bedroom.

I came to the conclusion that my tastes would be best served by one of KEF Reference 1 or Magico A3. I was thinking that I would use the Lyngdorf 3400 in this room but I am having seconds thoughts on this now (some A’gon comments that it maybe a little dry). I am interested in solid state AB units like the Hegel H590 and Mark Levinson 585 to drive the speakers. I have heard the ML 585 and it is a fatigue free sounding unit that was a joy to listen to. I have not heard the Hegel H590 yet (but have heard other Hegels with KEF) and I am in the process of getting an audition of the H590. I have also discounted the class AB Micromega M-One 150 (with MARS room correction) because I do not want a cooling fan blowing in the room.

I must mention that I do not listen that loud when I am working and when I am working very late at night the volume is very low. The Mark Levinson and A3 combo was very good at low volumes during my demo but that was in the dealers perfect large room.

1) Am I making a mistake foregoing room correction with the 2 integrateds I am considering? Should I go with the Lyngdorf and A3 or KEF Ref 1, though I have never heard the Lyngdorf?

2) Will the Magico A3 work in this small room at moderate volumes WITHOUT room correction or will I subject myself to headaches and fatigue?

I am going to ask the dealer selling the A3’s this question when I am ready to buy but i wanted to ask on A’gon first to get some feedback. I doubt I could get the A3’s into my room for a trial but I have not asked the dealer yet.

I think (not 100% sure) the KEF Reference 1 with a non room correcting amp should work in my office space but I would prefer to buy the Magico A3 for the office. I have plans to buy another KEF model once my kid is a bit older and I can kick him out of the big room.

Showing 25 responses by tomic601

Home Depot Owens Corning 703 4” deep panels in closet, get one box to start....

Portishead !!!
i had Bauhaus on late, late.... fun
my post deleted as needs another tuner, please do get that third tuner via Audiogon....
or not

That is funny !
the MR-85 supports adding a 2nd tuner module internal
so you could reduce boxes !!!!

probably semantics but I would not use term atmospheric for 2 nd track...I played it thru ROON off my NAS...I will listen again this eve or next on the 7’s also. I will say w my multitrack working headset on, the Treo allow a pretty easy discection of the layers...but I love and appreciate that in a musical non fatiguing bias..

not to switch gears on ha..but give All my Tears a spin also..from wrecking ball. Then for drive and impact try Same cut from the great Julie Miller her version on Broken Things...

and yes, Spyboy is quite nice....

and while we are on the Daniel Lanois track....don’t forget his work with Neil Young - more of a fatigue test...ha.

but then dont miss his Daniels album Acadie

one last thought..try the group Wayfaring Strangers.....the album Wayfaring Stranger for atmospherics......stellare muscians and IMO a fantastic recording....
Absolutely never mock a fellow audiophile who provides an ironclad excuse !!!!

truth be told, starving 5 hours into auditioning power amps at Audio Alternative ( now Hi-Fi Buys ) we made a desperation run to Varsity for chili dogs...

the Atlanta crowd will understand....

result : Ayre VX-R

great amp
great sloppy dog
Spouse ( mine )

” OMG not another pair of speakers....”


” I dunno, I had a cold, strung out on peppermint bark dark chocolates, I was weak..,. How do they sound ?



while I absolutely adore Wrecking Ball, I would use Wayfaring Stranger from Roses in the Snow...and then transition right into Mean Eyed Cat from Mr. Cash on Unchained....crank that one up...

btw apparent stage depth on Wayfaring should be like 20’ using the TREO CT....yowsa...
I would say this popular thread benefits from your extensive writing on the learning / personal journey of discovery while you solve some unique issues with demanding requirements- people are investing in helping you and learning themselves...

to that end i had another reason to read the Lyndorf 3400 manual

it has extensive filters for high Pass as well as frequency response smoothing DSP

you should be able to set a first order filter at 40 HZ or so and fix some room gain issues 
sent you a PM connecting you w great guy running Lyngdorf 3400 and TREO, quite happy....
I have Mile Davis on....lovely 
my recollection is there are about ten of active or semi-active here on the forum who have Treo or Treo CT in a wide variety of rooms and systems....I would suggest send a PM and invite some into this conversation, which they may have missed. I know there is a supremely happy guy in Atlanta running the Carbon Tweeter Treo with Lyngdorf...

I listened to Margo and company last eve in the mid 60 db range in our condo system - clear as a bell with sweet detail and the unmistakable image of the ambisonic microphone array... BTW the QRP pressing of this, at least my copy is immaculate....were they all that good.

sounds like your local dealer foray was valuable...have fun...

your GIK pile of toys arrive yet ????

 yes ! my post should have said “ gold standard appropriate to speaker type “

had a great boss in Quality Assurance who said :

All things not mandatory are compulsory, except when they are not !

which synthesis ?
the manual foor any speaker will most likely  cite gold standard distance / geometry..reality and waf then intervene.....such is life before  a purpose builtt room...

get room treatments up, run trial w Peachtree, u like it !!!!!

kids here crazy for long board skate boards...swarming the hill, adults surfing on new boardds. ..ggeeezers like me drinking and listening to new Vinyl...enjoy Christmas thru a toddlers eyes not currently..the Micromega 100 would just barely fit in the Condo niche and probably load up the fan BUT I like listening time to form opinions vs purely principle driven rants..frankly the M100 could be viewed as a listen, learn, flip opportunity...I might just do that...

I know someone w TREO who I trust who has Lyngdorf and he js estatic about the sound he is getting...I have yet to hear his system, when next in Atlanta, I hope to. H9mework for me.

I do have enough seat time w digital sound recording tools, engineers running active studios as friends, and some career time in DSP ( think finding submarines ) to have an idea of what might best be fixed passively or in the analof domain vs digital - those bias show up in my two systems.

yyzz...busted..I enjoy this thread, enough I guess to jump back in....hope your Toddler Christmas was grand !!!!!!
there is a Micromega 100 w room correction for peanuts vs new for sale on agon now...

just FYI....
a few facts, look at the frequency plots for any Vandersteen speaker, they are done at 1 meter, at the wavelengths we are dealing with they get cohesive immediately! with the possible exception of the mid to midbass and in your room the wave will get crunched anyway..just physics....Next look at the impulse response, a dual concentric driver does not ensure time alignment, period. Physically aligning the driver voice coils is a good start. A steep slope filter puts all that out the window in a hurry, your ear is VERY sensitive to phase and is hardwaired to reptilian part of brain that locates threats. Time, Phase and spatial info critical to locating threats, frequency response, not so much.
But the other speakers you are considering, those are excellent also.
Different flavors , I get that as at any given time I own 7-10 pair of speakers....and I do a bit of field recording work so near field monitoring is the norm. I have heard most of the TAD line, local to you in as much as CA is ever local. You will notice I never bad mouth anything, well maybe ROON EQ is a first....ha. Sounds like you could easy host ROON core on one of your big remote servers, just lock down IP adresses so it can find and refind is a bit wonky in that department. 

Brooks, Sunny, Randy, Excel are all super fine. Good recovery!

have fun !!!!! enjoy the quest, toddler quality time, Thin Lizzy....dont ruin your hearing.....
I ran a fairly strict a/b on ROON EQ vs none to tame an issue at 80 HZ and was not at all pleased with it’s overall impact on SQ. Of course your results may vary...
whatever you are running ROON core on need be up to the processing task also

But since you have it, why not try after you get room sorted...? I also think experiments like that help with developing critical listening skills

iF you have pre out / power amp in on the future integrated, you could use a phase correct analog filter to roll off the very low base to counter room gain. so for example a Vandersteen M5-HP inserted and set correctly would help. This may allow for a larger speaker than otherwise contemplated....

In that small a room, I would stay away from anything with a cooling fan...
good for you on the GIK deal :-)
you can measure after treatments..
i like Studio Six Digital Audio Tools RTA runs on Ipad w calibrated microphone, or poor mans low frequency version is Radio Shack analog SPL meter and free Vandertones download, this might help you tame tge closet!!!!
There is also a fantastic small company in Escondido that makes acoustic curtains 
Acoustic Curtains, inc

But thanks for the memory and  unusual for me I have the model 7’s and amps cranking up Cowboy Song at 100 dB peaks....
with a nice glass of Rye......
Well..... I do have Chinatown ( disc 4 of Vagabonds, Kings, warriors, Angels box set.....
honestly I think a pair of JBL L-100 reissue would be fine....

 From the perspective of / as a sometime recording engineer my reference system lays bare this mix...not knocking it... I get the emotional drive ( after all, I do own the box set )
i took it out into the workshop with Cornwall’s.... and a romantic tube amp....
much better....,
IF you make it to LA
you are very welcome to stop by Condo in Carlsbad and hear Treo CT, my ears are 28” off back wall ( I use a Leica Disto for everything!!! )
in my room crunching that down actually effects bass more than treble
i think you will find unique carbon tweeter to be sweetly transparent no fatigue
of course Randy in Santa Monica have the full line including Quattro as do Sunny in Covina
Both big rooms but you could request a near field listen for sure
certainl some back wall treatments could be quite good,with any speaker you pick
i use Lambvin in Oceanside as shipping often equals product price. They have full range of treatment products
thanks for musical reference, will give that a listen in my nearfield setup to attempt to identify with your baseline
comfortably numb I am fluent in already

Another vote for a serious listen to Vandersteen Quattro CT :-)
tuneable for the room in the Analog domain
not many are
i am biased, own 3 pair along with other stuff....

your mention of listening fatigue has me a bit intrigued.... how loud are you listening and how are you measuring that
flat in the near field with low distortion should not be fatiguing....

enjoy the search !