Big Sky Audio to upgrade Adcom GFA-535ii?

I am wondering if any one has experience having Big Sky Audio ( upgrade their Adcom amps. The following is the recommended upgrades for $299:

"Install high quality audio grade capacitors and low noise metal film resistors in working driver, output stage, and power supply circuits for greater musical clarity. Areas targeted for improvement include the input circuitry, feedback loop, output stage biasing, output stage & power supply bypassing. The 535II uses flat pack style power supply rectifiers instead of the larger bridge type rectifiers so we are prevented from using soft recovery rectifiers for reduced switching noise but instead add bypass capacitors which will do the perform the same noise reduction."

Is this worth it? I have the following: Adcom GFA-535ii, Adcom GCD-700, Adcom GFP-715 driving a set of Krix Lyrix speakers. Looking to add a turntable and Peachtree Dac*it in the near future. I am looking to keep this system for another five years (I purchased the GFA-535ii in 1994) before upgrading (wish list is Pass Labs X150.5 or Bryston 3B). Thanks.