Biamping KEF 107/2s

I've been planning to use true-biwire (separate cables to LF and mid-HF) between a Proceed Amp 3 and KEF 107/2s. But if I'm running two cables to each speaker anyway, I wonder about biamping. The Proceed HPA3 manual extols the virtues of biamping, and contends the crossovers of the speakers continue to distribute the frequencies appropriately to drivers than can handle them. I really don't want to blow a beautiful mid-HF unit of a 107/2.

Can anyone with experienced with biamping provide advice?

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
Hey db

One audiophile I spoke to some time ago had a modified Moscode hybrid tube amps powering each KEF 107/2 speaker he had in a medium sized room. He had the amps pretty close to the 107/2s on isolation platforms. Also had long ICs from preamp to amp and short speaker cables from amps to the KEFs. The sound was quite sweet and more than enough for him. I don't know if this qualifies as bi-amping.
So many years ago now since I had a pair, but as long as the bass units have a crossover you will be fine.

I cannot remember where the crossover bass feeds came from now. I have a feeling it was all in the "head" and not in the bass compartment. Is there a cable leading from the head into the bottom?

So just make sure you are not running the bass wide open.i.e with no filter for the highs. It will sound odd otherwise.

You won't blow them up though. Obviously make sure the amps have same spec otherwise you will be in active crossover territory.

At that point you may be better off just buying a more cable amp and staying with a single amp.
It turns out I'd missed the part of the KEF 107/2 manual that deals with biamping. Obviously KEF anticipated that 107/2s might be biamped and provides a schematic for it, using one stereo amp for LF (both speakers) and the other for MF/HF (both speakers). I've seen this called horizontal biamping, in contrast to vertical biamping in which one stereo amp drives both the LF and MF/HF of a single speaker.
