Biamp with same company Integrated with power amp benifit?



I have Exposure Integrated amp 3010s2 and exposure power amp 3010s2. The speakers are 805D3. which of these scenarios benefit. Integrated amp preout driving the power amps. 

Scenario 1:

Integrated -> feeds the Tweeters of 805D3

Power amp-> Feeds the Bass section of 805D3


Scenario 2

Integrated -> not connected to speaker

Poweramp-> Connected to speaker driving both Tweeter and Woofer


Which scenario has more votes here and is there a advantage.



Ag insider logo xs@2xsudheertumkur

If the gain is the same between the amps, or you have the ability to adjust the gain on both amps independently, I’d give Scenario 1 a go, but would look for an active way to block bass frequencies to the integrated.  

Relieving the tweeter amp of bass frequency responsibilities should help clean up a the signal a bit.