Bi-Wiring using 2 sets of cables; have a question.

I have two sets of Cardas Golden Cross cables and my speakers allow bi-wiring. My question, is it better to run the cables in the traditional positive and negative leg in the same cable and run the two cables parallel to the speakers? Or should I let one set handle the positive leg and the other set handle the negative leg of the signal, thus physically isolating the positive and negative runs of the signal?

Your thoughts???
Seems to me that the general benefits of biwiring are to be had by separating the WOOFER from the TWEETER, rather than the positive and the negative. I think the major benefit of properly designed biwire speakers is to separate the high current = high em fields of the woofer's crossover, connections, and wire from the lower power path of the tweeter. While I'm sure the other method would work fine (one wire for both +s and one for both -s), I would bet the "traditional" method would give the better end result. Admittedly, I have never tried the alternative.

All of this assumes of course, that your speakers' design truly benefits from biwire. I have had some speakers that did not benefit much at all, and some that only came to life when biwired. So what the heck try it both ways.

The MOST IMPORTANT thing about Cardas cables is that they need to SETTLE. After you dork them around to make the connections, they will take 2-3 days to settle in to the sound they are actually designed for. A lot of cables exhibit this, though Cardas seems to be particularly sensitive. (Albert has mentioned Purist Audio being extremely sensitive to being "dorked around" as well)
I am doing the latter and it seems to work well. It was a matter of termination at the amp end. I cut down a 10' set of standard speaker wire to make the 5' set of Bi-wire. It just worked out better that way for me with this wire and It sounds fine. The performance may very dependant on the design of the cable and it's electrical field properties, due to geometry and dialectric properties. I am using an exotic German import called Audioplan which most people have never heard of. So far so good.
I would run it in the traditional way, seems more stable and pure to my way of thinking, although I have no proof or testing to back up my assumption.

I don't know which speakers you are planning to wire this way, but I can tell you that two sets of Cardas Golden Cross will be a powerful ally in preserving the musical signal.