Bi-Wire with two pairs of speaker cables

Stupid question:

My speakers have dual binding posts, so they can be biwired. Want to try. Currently using single wire speakers with jumpers.

So instead of selling current speaker wire, and buying new biwire set, can I get a second set of single speaker wire, identical to what I have, and run them from my Amp to the second set of binding posts on my speakers? Of course, removing the jumpers. I think I have enough space on Amp to fit a second set of spades

Showing 2 responses by hifiman5

It is actually best to run two identical pairs of cables when biwiring.  I have been doing that for over 30 years with great success.  Before I had a second pair of output jacks on my power amp. I doubled up the spades.  Just tighten the jacks well so you are getting good contact to both spades.  It will be even better if you have a second pair of jacks added to your amp.

What amp. and speakers do you have?
Agree with Tomic.  Forget the internal biwire cables. They defeat the main benefit of biwiring.