Curious if anyone has tried bi wiring 2 different speaker wires. If so please share your results.

Showing 4 responses by zd542

I've did some experimenting with it and the results were always negative. You maybe do something like that if you need a band aid type of repair.

Cable Company sent me a box of speaker cables to try, a few years ago. When I use their loaner program, I usually pick some cables that I know I want to demo, and I let them pick a couple of pairs that they recommend. When the box came, I saw they sent me a pair of Synergistic Sig 10's. I don't follow Synergistic's products, so I had no idea what to expect. When I put them in my system, the CD wasn't even 30 seconds into the first track and I knew something was wrong. It was clearly audible that they put different cables for the highs and lows. It actually sounded so messed up, I called SR for a recommendation on what to do, and they told me that's how the cable was designed. Nothing was wrong with it.

So I say, if you already have some cables you want to experiment with, try it. It won't hurt anything. But I wouldn't waste any new money on it.
"The way to go is actually good single amp matching speakers with good single wire. The rest is either joke or just toys.
Czarivey (System | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

In many cases that will be true. But the results you get from bi wiring can vary quite a bit, going from system to system. Same thing is true with bi amping. But with bi amping, you have to be more careful. I find the only way that works properly is a vertical bi amp configuration. Horizontal poses too many problems, its not worth the trouble.

I just happen to have 2 pairs of speakers that are opposite of each other, in this regard. They make for a good example. In my main system, I have a pair of Vandersteen 2's. Bi wiring on those speakers is almost mandatory. (Keep in mind that Vandersteen was the one who came up with the concept originally, so it kind of makes sense that his speakers benefit the most) The difference that bi wiring provides is closer to a component upgrade, than a tweak. Its just one of those things that you need to hear, to believe it. And you don't need to use expensive cables either. I have 2 separate pairs of AQ CV-8, which are not too costly, as cables go. They easily beat a single run of Tara 2's that cost a lot more.

As far as vertical bi amping goes, I get a big improvement with a 2nd Ayre V-5, as opposed to just one. As always though, the amount of improvement (if any), will vary depending on many factors.

Comparing that to my 2nd system, its pretty much the opposite. I have Wilson Cubs and they don't even allow for bi amping or bi wiring of any kind. Wilson doesn't believe in the concept. Also, my Tara 2's sound a lot better than the CV-8. So in this case, the use of 1 pair of more expensive cables is easily justified.
"Any comments on why this could be "bad"?"

If you don't like the sound, it could be bad.
"Given all the hogwash and theories by the millions of why some cables sound better or worse, I'll just keep listening to my ears. If the amps explode, c'est la vie.........
Springbok10 (Reviews | Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

How do you listen to your ears?