Bi Amping: highs and lows or a seperate amp for the left and right.

Terms also used: vertical vs horizontal.

Assumption: same amplifiers

I can see left/right amps to 'free up' power supply for the lows for unused power in the high channel. 

I can see high/low amps for similar frequency handling on both channels. 

Different story obviously when use 2 different amplifiers (thinking along the lines of A/B amp for lows, and tube amp for highs). Then high/low amps is obvious.

And a 'no issue/difference' when using 4 channels of the SAME amp. 

Any comments? Who has compared it? 


Showing 1 response by czarivey

bridging will decrease the load impedance twice and may become a heavy load for amp unless it has unlimited current to support that. Notably if your speakers going somewhere all the way down to 2 ohms, the load impedance per amp will be nearly 1 Ohm and unlikely there's an amp stable to load nearing short circuit.

technically I would only use vertical biamping for that particular matter.

biamping with same amps works the best as you simply doubling the power. The distribution of power is controlled by your speaker internal crossover pretty much.