Bi-amping B&W Nautilus 802's?

I am thinking of bi-amping my Nautilus 802's. I am currently driving them with a Krell 300i integrated, but this is not enough power and is a little sterile sounding as well. Any advice from those who have experience with bi-amping or with the B&W 802's?

Showing 1 response by kuro2804

KAV-300i is not enough power for the N802's. If you want to Bi-amp you have to worry about matching the amp's sensitivity and gain. What i would do is to get a single powerful amp or maybe a pair of the same amp for Bi-amping if you wish. I heard the N802 with Krell FBP600c and it sounded stunning! These power hungry speakers just need a lot of juice to drive them.