Bi-Amp success story

Hello all-

This is a follow-up to many threads I have posted already (using my e-mail address - before I signed up officially) Rather than tack this on at the end of any one of them I wanted to start a new thread summing up my experience. In doing so I will cover what I did and what worked and what didn't work for me.

My Gear (that matters to this discussion)

Yamaha CX-1000 pre-amp (I also use this for my d/a)
Yamaha MX-1000 power amp (330 wpc into my 4 ohm speakers)
and another MX-1000 power amp for bi-amping (effective 660 wpc?)
Paradigm X-30 line-level active crossover
Infinity Kappa 9 speakers.
Phoenix Gold ZEROpoint Reference II Inner Space reference speaker cable (2 10 gauge conductors) for the low end and Phoneix Gold 12 gauge for the highs.

(1) I tried bi-wiring and that produced no noticable effects for me. (using 1 MX-1000 amp) Maybe with better wire there might be a difference.

(2) I tried bi-amping using no active crossover, and while the soundstage was a bit better the amps were working hard for just a bit of extra volume and in my opinion without an active crossover before the amps it is just a glorified bi-wire.

(3) My final arrangement was very satisfying. My Kappa 9 speakers each have 2 12" drivers that cross-over at a low 80hz. I used the Paradigm x-30 with the 80 hz high pass (a choice of 50,80,120 hz) after the pre-amp and ran it to the right side of each MX-1000. Then I ran the sub-out for each side to the left side of each MX-1000. So one MX for the left speaker, one for the right. I chose this rather than the lows to one amp and the highs to another for a few reasons. (1) elimination of cross-talk (2) decrease in overall demand on each amp during segements with high bass or high highs.

The results were great! I have a much clearer soundstage, and I get a louder, clearer sound than I have ever had before. If I had the gear I would try putting a specialized amp on the lows/highs. One suited best for each purpose. But before I would go to that level I would upgrade everything I have except for the speakers. If I can scrape together the cash I want to try a Sunfire Classic Tube pre-amp and a Sunfire Signature Stereo amp in a non-biwired configuration too. If I like it better (as I am sure I will) I might liquidate my Yamaha gear. However I run my pre-amp "source direct" by-passing all tone controls. Since my Kappa 9's have a strong high-end it is nice to be able to compensate for that just by adjusting the level of the amp or the crossover.

Anyway thanks for all the advice that has gotten me this far!


I think it's great when someone joins in with their "projects" or experience in similar threads. While it might divert a small amount of information away from the original post, i think that it typically gives them even more info that they they might not have considered or asked in the first place. As long as it's done in good taste, i don't think that anybody here objects to such posts.

Don't take my word for ANYTHING. I only know what has worked for me in my systems. Your components, installation and personal tastes might be measurably different than mine. As such, you have the opportunity for a GREAT learning experience at your disposal. Don't pass it up. Sean
Craig: Bravo! Common sense rules the day! Perhaps Richard Vandersteen summed up my position best and I suppose I'm guilty as charged! :) Still, just think how outstanding those amps would sound driving a great pair of ESL's! {{{Shudder}}} But I guess you'll cross that "bridge" when you come to it. -Jerie
Hello Joel, I am looking for a CX 1000... How did you use as CX 1000 as biamp back then?