Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce's new album RENAISSANCE is out, her first studio effort in six years. The recording material was attended by Jay-Z, Skrillex, Drake and Grace Jones.



Showing 6 responses by garebear

.......there is difference to me at least, between entertainers and entertainment. What I can't believe is that for the first time I actually agree with : jasonbourne52 !!! 

Yes she did have some success prior to her marriage with "Shug '' Jay Z but you can't tell me that he didn't have a huge influence on where she is today. There are some great artists out there ....just for instance visit Nashville just for an example and there are some incredibly talented musicians out there that will never get a break or have Hip Pop Moguls promote them when beyond their talent level.    

....thank you DayGlow and you are spot on as it just seems anymore that anytime there is any criticism valid or even not valid about a person .....the person's ethnicity or partner preference gets used as a defense. There is some talent there with her to a degree if that's the music you like, but you wonder if she didn't have the husband she has ( I will leave that alone ) and for reasons I am not sure of ,  the amount of publicity her music gets - '' would she even be musically relevant '' ?  It all sounds the same as far as Little Feat is concerned as you had notably mentioned ; '' Waiting For Columbus '' is done by some really good musicians and not be entertainers. Maybe there is where the issue lies ; musicians vs entertainers. I enjoy listening to good musicians and entertainers are just that .........entertainers. 50 years from now will you still be listening to her music ? I doubt it but you can still put on ; Miles Davis or Howlin Wolf ....the Beatles for that matter and you know what ; yup it's still good !!!!   

.......tylermunns have been to Nashville ? I am not a big fan of a lot the country music that is out there today but if you do note that I did say ; '' for instance '' as there are a lot of really good musicians out there that unfortunately never get that '' break ''. I know that is ''Suge'' but do not want to give him any credit at all  - bad pun on my part. He is where he belongs and really not sure what you meant  by the comment ; '' that it maybe be hard for someone like you to differentiate ; these are two different people  '' . To me they are  ''one in the same'' ......'' another example of the garbage that is rap/ hip hop culture. True statement for pop culture ; Price was talented and could play a really good guitar , not really a big fan of his music but did appreciate his talent. No Shug or Jazzy Z's there with that guy !           

Thank you .....thylermunns and larsman as it appears that I hit the bulls eye ! I could have predicted expected these types of responses. You can continue to defend that genre of noise that is your prerogative and I will continue to tell I find very little talent there although you have concluded I know very little about the subject and you taken my '' tongue in check '' responses literally. I know who they are as was around during the East Coast  -West Coast Feud and what happened as a result of that and the loss of a person ( maybe two ) who were and had talent ; TuPac and possibly Biggie......liked their stuff. I will continue to say the Beyonce is okay but I do not think that she is belongs on the '' mountain '' she and the promoters have put her on. Now, if you excuse me I will go listen to some music that maybe you can take a page out of both of your responses and expand your musical domain .......might mellow you guys out a little.