Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce releases first album in six years RENAISSANCE

Beyonce's new album RENAISSANCE is out, her first studio effort in six years. The recording material was attended by Jay-Z, Skrillex, Drake and Grace Jones.



Showing 2 responses by frogman

**** I was only commenting on how odd it seems to me to take the time to just let people know your opposition to a choice they have made. Do you poke your head inside a restaurant to let a patron know the meatloaf is overrated? ****

This common sentiment is always a curious one. There is no “opposition”; all are free to listen to whatever they want. However, this is a DISCUSSION forum and you have chosen to post (discuss) the choice that you have made. Are others not allowed to discuss and post their opinions as well; simply because they don’t support yours?

There are concrete and specific reasons that any one of us dislikes a particular performer’s music.  Not that I spend much energy at all thinking about Beyoncé’s, but speaking for myself, I dislike her music because I find her music to not be on a reasonably high level compositionally, her lyrics often crass and her singing only marginally adequate compared to what I consider to be a good singer.  Is it “demeaning” to express an honest opinion on a discussion forum?  I don’t think so.  Yes, she is an entertainer and obviously many find her music entertaining  (a whole other story).  However, entertainers are, by definition, in the public eye and hence subject to varied opinions.  I doubt Beyoncé gives a darn about the fact that some here don’t like her music.