Ntscdan I use Apple's AAC compression for my music and the Lanstec inmotion speaker system which is a portable speaker set.
I bought some Senheiser ear phones too to replace the iPod ones;for listening via headphones imho the iPod sounds very very good,occassionally the odd track can be a bit off on overall sound but for music on the move it's a fantastic little machine.
The Inmotion speaker set are a dinky little piece and great for a casual system,I use mine mostly in the kitchen and again for the cash paid the sound quality is pretty decent with reasonable power.
However I have plugged myiPod into my main system at home and as you might expect with the compression etc. it's rather poor.
I'm not disappointed by that because it's not what I bought the iPod for BUT audiophilles should be aware it is not an audiophille machine but it is imho a piece of equipment that makes music exciting again which is a major triumph in itself.