Beveridge speakers-does anyone still use them?

I have owned or listened to many vintage classic speakers. I have never heard these speakers. About 15 years ago I almost bought a pair of the model 2's. What are your reaction to these speakers? Are they still available used? How would they compare to modern electrostatic speakers like Soundlabs and Martin Logans? Could they operate today without significant restoration? I have heard that the manufacturer's son is remanufacturing these speakers at nosebleed prices.

Today is the due date for my wife to give birth to our child (no labor yet!)so I am looking for something to distract me! Any distractions welcome! Bob
Roxy, the Beveridge 2 and 2SW's are self powered by their self contained OTL direct drive amplifiers. The speaker actually sits on top of the amplifier. The amplifier is the base of the speaker.
Thanks for the info Baranyi. I was curious myself. That is certainly an exotic arrangement, and it must sound beautiful. Does it generate a lot of heat?
I have confirmed that my six panels I received came from a Beveridege 2WS set of speakers.
Considering the small number of these speakers made and even smaller number still in being used regularly, there may not really be much of a market for the panels anymore.

So, the question is, to what purpose should these panels be used. Building new custom speakers with ancient panels does not seem so logical wihout the availabity of suitable H/V amps to match them properly, and building such amps is beyond my skill set.
Roger Modjeski of Music Reference was very involved with the design and manufacture of the Beveridge speakers. I'm sure he can aid anyone needing help with any of them.
Rrledford, I have a friend with a bad panel that would probably be interested in a couple.