Better Records vs MoFi

I’ve read about Better Records on the site. They listen to endless copies of records & separate out the amazing sounding pressings. I can understand because of many variables, some sound better than others. But, can a great sounding regular pressing sound better than a half speed master? Doesn’t a HSM have more music data on it?

I don’t want to go down a rabbit hole. If the BR premise holds up then there are certainly better pressings of Dark Side of the Moon etc. I’m not concerned with that. I’m also not interested in cost or “X sucks, I’d never buy one.”


Showing 5 responses by tablejockey

Study the discogs info on the album you want.

It's all in the deadwax.

It's simply effort, luck and timing to find a good condition 1st/early press.

Some genres/artists are unobtanium now due to demand and age.

Nothing special about Better Records except the effort is done for you and you're gonna pay the price for it.

My local store has had Better Records scouts going thru the bins for years.



 "They have the most valuable information advantage and historical knowledge of anybody in the world on LP’s that fit their model."

Good grief...nice plug. Lets all shill for Better Records!

There's nothing special about what Better Records does. Buy 20 copies Aja AB 1006 and listen for the best condition/sounding one.

No hate on the guy, he had a vision and it sells.

Some of the "sizzle" hype /superlatives is nonsense, but clearly, it's working for him.


" if I gathered 50 Mofi copies of Dark Side of the Moon, would there be a white hot stamper of them?"

"So my answer is forget 50, you will go through everything MoFi ever pressed, every single copy, and not find one. Not a single one. Not from MoFi."

You might find a copy that's a copy of what a WHS is supposed to sound like?

That would make it a WHSC-white hot stamper copy

The BR biz model is going thru copies of the earliest press and finding the copy that stand out. Then Tom Port does the write up with goofy audio descriptors that clearly sells.

Let's not forget the MoFi scandal- are these recordings REALLY from the master tape?

MoFi Faces Fraud Lawsuit for Selling Vinyl Reissues as “Purely Analog” While Using Digital Masters | Pitchfork

If anything you get a great sounding CD to play on your table.

" He does provide a service for folks with more money than sense...."

As if THIS hobby is "sensible?"

Spending a mere $500 for a WHS in the context of one's setup doesn't come off as off putting to me.

Isn't it simply how wide your wallet is in relation to one's setup?

If I were using a Tech Das Air Force One or something I commissioned with a boutique designer, I would be ordering something weekly, along with bin diving.

I'm thankful I find the very candidates BR sells, at sane prices.

I would find it offensive NOT playing a first press/A1 LP when listening to SOTA.