Better Integrated Amp?

Hi, I'm looking at my first set up and have been advised by people on this website to get an integrated amp (including phono stage). I'm looking at the Quad Vena 2 which I would have to get second hand due to cost, and the Denon PMA-800NE which I could buy new whilst still being the cheaper option. I'm open to other suggestions to just wanted to get your thoughts on which amp I should go for or if I should look at some others too.

Showing 2 responses by golden210

Mikem: I agree with the importance volume control is. Names withheld, but I've had amps where the volume on the remote won't move when you hit the +, then goes up fast. Another problem is to see the volume knob if it only has a small white dot on it. 
Recently bought a Hegel H390. The display numbers of the level are clear without glasses at 8' back, and I need them over 6'. 
Jbmack75, my Hegel's display is dimmable. Fast or slow push on the remote only moves 1 decibel. The remote is made of metal and is the type you don't have aim at the amp. At 66 this is my fourth amp, previous ones were in the 1 to 2 thousand range. Due to a great divorce outcome I bought myself the Hegel for $6000. I absolutely love it. (Bryston A2 speakers)