Better Integrated Amp?

Hi, I'm looking at my first set up and have been advised by people on this website to get an integrated amp (including phono stage). I'm looking at the Quad Vena 2 which I would have to get second hand due to cost, and the Denon PMA-800NE which I could buy new whilst still being the cheaper option. I'm open to other suggestions to just wanted to get your thoughts on which amp I should go for or if I should look at some others too.

Showing 1 response by bryansavitz1234

Rega Brio R is a solid integrated with a fine phono stage for a start. I call that amp “the gateway drug”. Hahaha. They can be had for reasonable price now used. I’ve heard that little amp drive harbeths, quad z2’s, Wharfdales, etc etc just fine. It’s a very pleasant sounding amp. I ran it with a grado black cartridge with 8MZ stylus with some wharfdale diamond 225’s (my first set up) and it was a very nice combination for the money at that time. Same set up now could be had for 450$ total maybe? Not sure about used UK market. Might be better for those brands actually. Good luck.