better gear, worse recordings

ever notice that the better the gear you own, the worse some recordings sound?

some recordings you grew up with that were eq'd for lp's now sound flat and lifeless or the musical background is revealed as less captivating than it appeared on mediocre equipment

a few other rare jems show even more detail and are recorded so well that the upgrade in equipment yields even more musicality

I have my opinions, would like to here what artists you think suffer from the former or benefit from the latter


Showing 1 response by peleon

Roxy Music's Avalon is the perfect example of this phenomenon for me. I have loved the music on this recording since I first heard it when originally released. As I began to improve my systems over the years however, it quickly became apparent that the recording quality on both my vinyl and CD versions sucked. Now the only time I can bear to listen to it, is when I'm driving with the top down in an older convertible that I have. With so much wind and road noise, I can crank it up and love the music all over again without obsessing over the awful sonic quality.