better ears than budget, so i would like to think

I am saving for a better audio system having recently been exposed to a very good system, I can hear how much mine is lacking. Here's what I'm working with:

Technics "el crapo" SA-AX540
Sony "el crapo maximo" CDP-CX53
Some sort of monster cable

What amp/ preamp / integrated would be a good mid-fi starter under $1000?


Showing 1 response by tobias

I would look for a YBA Integré DT, a Creek 5350, a SimAudio I-5 or perhaps a Bryston BP-60. There is also a chance you would be seduced by a tube integrated in that range, if you got the chance to hear one with your speakers. The Cayin/HIT Audio push-pull EL34 model is very nice indeed.

Once you get one of these in your system, you will be in a great big hurry to change your CD player.

Best of luck!