Better desktop DAC

Hi, I am looking for a better DAC in my home office system, to replace the Topping e30ii. It must be able to playback pure / direct DSD. The sound must be clearly better. Preferably a portable DAC, not a huge box. I am streaming through an ethernet-connected laptop and experience no problems, but may consider a new streaming solution too. Total budget; low to medium. Buying used is OK, as long as the DAC can handle DSD.

Suggestions welcome!

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Showing 1 response by yyzsantabarbara

I spoke with someone on DM who plans to sell his PlayBack Designs Merlot DAC. The guy at PDB, Andreas K, is considered the father of DSD. The seller is moving up the line. I think he is selling in February.

That Schitt Loki mentioned above may meet the small form factor requirement. I do now that my best DAC is from Schitt. They do know digital.