Better desktop DAC

Hi, I am looking for a better DAC in my home office system, to replace the Topping e30ii. It must be able to playback pure / direct DSD. The sound must be clearly better. Preferably a portable DAC, not a huge box. I am streaming through an ethernet-connected laptop and experience no problems, but may consider a new streaming solution too. Total budget; low to medium. Buying used is OK, as long as the DAC can handle DSD.

Suggestions welcome!


Showing 3 responses by chayro

I would contact Apos Audio. They sell topping and a lot of other desktop dacs, so they might be helpful in narrowing your search. 

@o_holter -  not really. I’m not a desktop dac person, but I did buy my Topping from them and I thought they were helpful. They seemed to carry a lot of lines, so I figured they could help you out. They really have no incentive to recommend something you’re only going to send back.  Personally, I gave up on hi rez years ago. I found that I got better sound by concentrating on maximizing CD quality sound, but that’s me. 

@o_holter - Norway?  I was there two years ago. You should visit Audio Consult in Denmark. They’ll get you set up. 💸💸💸