Better cd SQ

Hi All,

I am considering purchasing an external DAC to use with my Marantz CD6006, trying to squeeze all the SQ from my cd's that I can. I like the sound of the CD6006, but feel like there is something better. Good idea or bad? If good, being that I know very little about DAC's, what DAC would you recommend for better SQ. My primary
Source is LP's. But I play a lot of CD's also.

All help would be very much appreciated.

Thank you,


Showing 1 response by carlsbad2

You’re at the bottom. there are many levels of upgrade from there. the first one is what you propose, an external DAC. It is easy to beat the onboard DAC. But to get a good audiophile DAC you’ll need a few grand. In the budget DAC area, $1k or so, look at Schiit. Then when you have an excellent DAC, you might want to iprove your CD transport. And of course you could spend money on a streamer (another several K) and subscribe to Qobuz and have CD quality by streamping with almost unlimited library.

Long term, the DAC is the heard to a digital system and you can keep upgrading it.  If you found $20K that you forgot you had, I would not criticize you for spending it all on a DAC.